
Picture - Oetker Group



Here the development of the Oetker Group can be traced with the aid of many milestones which, drawn from all business fields, provide insight into the decisive moments in the history of this group of companies.

1891 - 1944


The takeover of the Aschoff'sche Apotheke in Bielefeld (Germany) by Dr. August Oetker on January 1, 1891 is considered the founding date of the company.


Dr. August Oetker launches its revolutionary baking powder Backin. This is the first genuine Dr. Oetker product.


The company moves to a new factory building on Lutterstraße in Bielefeld.


Dr. Oetker opens its first production facility abroad in Baden near Vienna (Austria).


The Dr. August Oetker company acquires an interest in Hamburg Südamerikanische Dampfschifffahrts-Gesellschaft, which was sold at the end of 2017.


The Oetker Group acquires the luxury hotel Brenners Park-Hotel & Spa in Baden-Baden (Germany).


The founder’s grand-son, Rudolf-August Oetker (1916–2007) takes over the management of the family business and continuously opens new divisions.

1949 - 1995


Bankhaus Lampe, founded in Minden, East Westphalia (Germany) in 1852, moves into the ownership of Rudolf-August Oetker. He relocates the firm’s headquarters to Bielefeld. Today the company is one of the leading, independent private banks.


The foundation stone for today’s Beer and Non-Alcoholic Beverages Division is laid. The acquisition of the Radeberger Pilsener beer brand gave the new name, Radeberger Gruppe.


Acquisition of Söhnlein Rheingold Sektkellerei. Today’s international Henkell & Co. Group was formed through the later merger with Henkell & Co.


Dr. Oetker takes over the frozen food division of AfU (Association of independent business people) in Mannheim. It is renamed ANTA Tiefkühlkost GmbH and the headquarters are moved to Bielefeld. This lays the foundation for the frozen food business.


Founding of the logistics company Roland Transport.


Acquistion of the Hôtel du Cap - Eden Roc in Antibes on the Côte d'Azur (France).


Dr. h. c. August Oetker becomes General Partner of Dr. August Oetker KG and Chairman of the Executive Board of Dr. Oetker GmbH. He focuses the companies of the Oetker Group on core sectors and successfully drives internationalization.


Founding of Oetker Daten- und Informationsverarbeitung, OEDIV for short, which is active in the IT sector.

2008 - today


Founding of the Oetker Hotel Management Company (OHMC), which specializes in the management of unique, externally owned hotels.


Richard Oetker takes over from his brother August. He has been a member of the Executive Board of Dr. Oetker GmbH since 1996. His successes include the establishment of the eastern European markets since the mid-1990s.


Acquisition of Conditorei Coppenrath & Wiese, the leading German manufacturer of frozen gateaux and cakes.


Founding of the company Oetker Digital, which supports the Oetker Group moving into the future with digital innovations and business models.


The former Chief Financial Officer of the Oetker Group, Dr. Albert Christmann, succeeds Richard Oetker in Group Management and as Chairman of the Executive Board of Dr. August Oetker Nahrungsmittel KG.


Since 1 January 2019, the Spanish-German alliance Henkell Freixenet creates the world’s leading sparkling wine group.


Takeover of flaschenpost, the successful beverage immediate delivery service in Germany.


Split of the Oetker Group into two independently operating groups: Dr. August Oetker KG and Geschwister Oetker Beteiligungen KG. In the future, Geschwister Oetker Beteiligungen KG will include among others Martin Braun-Gruppe, Henkell Freixenet and Chemische Fabrik Budenheim. The other companies will remain unchanged with Dr. August Oetker KG.